Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer Brews

Pittsburgh seems to be suffering from a 'light' summer. Only a handful of uncomfortably hot days thusfar, and the Steelers are already back on television...and who's complaining? Me. I've had no real reason to seek out and savor truly refreshing summer brews.
There's nothing more satisfying on a steamy day than a cold and crisp light lager or fruity heffe. But alas, I have gone on without the weather on my side and indulged in the Leinenkugels Summer Shandy and Berry Weiss. Both refreshing and have amazingly full flavors for 'summer' beers. Shandy is a take on the old English pub pull of lager and some odd lemony fizz drink. I could generally pass, but the Leine version is a lovely blend and suggest it for beach and/or backyard drinking.
Berry Weiss, oh, Berry Weiss! I recommend you for any time! This might be my favorite fruit beer. I took one drink and looked at my husband (with whom I generally share) and contemplated lying and saying that it was awful so that I wouldn't have to give up even one sip. I am greedy for it.
I consider all of their beers of fine quality...check out their site...
Locally I can't get enough of Rivertowne Pour House and their amazing variety of summer beers. The Babbling Blonde is worth the drive. I completely trust head brewer Andrew when he ages a brew with pineapple to make "Under the Sea." Try it with my favorite the lettuce wraps and cheese bread sticks. Or Mandarin Salad. Or the stuffed pub pretzels. Or...well, you get the idea.

Going to be in Pittsburgh September 12th? Think about coming out for the Big Pour.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Red Stripe, Ya Man!

This was originally post on myspace last year...my 'boyfriend' is now my husband. (He wants you to know that.)

In the tropical, rum-laden world of Jamaica only one beer prevails- crisp, light and refreshing Red Stripe. Kind of hard to find in the US, Red Stripe is in every corner market on the island nation. (And holy crap if you aren't begging for it by 3pm after a good day of the sun cooking you into something the resembles curried tofu.)
But in the oasis of our resort bar I found another 'beer'. And I use quotations around the word 'beer' because 'beer' is kinda what this drink is like, although 'beer' is usually something I enjoy drinking. (Not something I politely excuse myself from the bar for and discreetly pour into a planter.) It's called "Real Rock" and I'd consider it more of a dare than a drink. When I tasted it all I could think was, "Is the keg skunky?" But upon returning the next day it was still bad. Bad and weird and sour, but oddly fruity...like cider that someone peed in. My boyfriend said, "If you made this in prison, it would be okay."
It's marketed as an "American Lager"...but I drink alot of American lagers and they are nothing like "Real Rock."

First Real Blog...

Like "The" Ohio State University, I am "The" BeerGirl. I know it seems pretentious, but plain beergirl has been taken all over the place. Forgive a gal who just wants the best for you. The best beer, that is.
My name is Minda Fisher and I spend my time drinking beer so when you gussy up to a bar, or scan the draft menu, you don't feel obligated to order the same beer every time. Beer consumer confidence is my game.
My recent beer adventure takes place at the Hofbrauhaus Pittsburgh, in fact it takes place there alot since I'm working there. I consider my job a 'gemutlichkeit facilitator'. What is gemutlichkeit? It's the German abstract noun used to describe 'coziness' and 'acceptance'. I consider it, "Everybody wants to have a good time." And after hundreds of years of brewing, amazing beer makes gemutlichkeit facilitation a relatively easy job.
In addition to the traditional dunkel, lager and heffe, HB Pittsburgh has a light lager (for the Americans) and a seasonal brew which is introduced the first Wednesday of each month at a festive keg tapping.
Want more about HB Pgh?