My only consolation was the Oktoberfest at Hofbrauhaus went well and is now over. I'd like to address some tomfoolery that's been going on down at HB. Twice in two weeks we had drunk fools forget their potty training. (Both #1 and #2.) Really, folks? I know beer is fun and being drunk is fun, but poop only goes in a toilet. That's a rule. And the fighting when intoxicated...just because you're wearing an "Afflicted" tee doesn't mean you can get all Kimbo Slice in the biergarten. Nor does fighting impress the newly crowned and multi-talented Miss Oktoberfest.
Oh, one more thing...stop whining about $5 beers! A plastic cup of crap light beer that's been sitting in the basement of (enter name of sports stadium here) for heaven only knows how long is $7.
Now, on to the beer conversation. Oktoberfest is gone (wipes tear from cheek). But the consolation prize is pretty good. 1810 Prince Ludwig is a bit fuller and a bit hoppier than the traditional HB lager and by far my favorite of the speciality brews. Go get one. Or two. But not so many you forget where to poo.