I didn't have a beer at a single Labor Day cookout, campfire, college football game or picnic. Instead I drank in the people-watching at Dragon*Con in Atlanta. "Whaaa?" you ask. Dragon*Con is the sci-fi, fantasy, all-things-nerdy convention. And let me tell you, there is no shame for letting your geek/dweeb/dork/freak out for a couple days here...in fact, it's the 'mundanes' (those not in costume) who are the outsiders. (I wore my Merlotte's t-shirt- tell me you've read Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse series or at least have seen True Blood on HBO!)
After dodging a gang of steampunkers and getting my picture with DoubleMeat Palace Buffy, R2D2 and the guys from GhostHunters we hit up a place called Mellow Mushroom Pizza. I hate to steal a phrase, but the pies were FIERCE. And they make their own Bogart Brew. A medium pale ale that has a perfect body for washing down some slices of pepperoni and olive.
Lucky for me the rest of Atlanta also features a decent line up of beers. Sweetwater Brewery makes a full and lively 420 Extra Pale Ale. (I didn't find it as hoppy as they describe it, but I liked it!) Almost everywhere we ate or drank carried it, but I had to hit "The Vortex" to get their IPA, which had a fine burst of hops and clean finish.
"The Vortex" has an attitude and a fabulous beer line-up (plenty of international labels!) with reasonable prices and a burger called the "Double-Bypass." As you see in the pic, my husband couldn't resist...in lieu of a bun you get two grilled cheese sandwiches. Seriously, guys only a double-bypass? Quintuple is more appropriate.
Try it out and if you don't like it, complain to them...I dare you.
I've often wanted to bribe someone to complain at the Vortex and have cameras ready. That would probably be an instant YouTube classic. SO enjoyed having y'all in Atlanta. Please come back again for next year's D*C.