Monday, September 21, 2009

Oldie but Goodie

I'll be brief today, with a lesson I won't soon forget. Sometimes in my quest to find my favorite beers I forget about the old standards. I'm writing about Yuengling. It's 'old' because they've been making it since 1829, and 'standard' because it really is one of those beers that I compare others against. I surprised my friends by ordering a tall, cold lager with a 15 beer tap list in front of me. Sometimes I take for granted that I've found it in bars all over the country and that pretty much get it whenever I want it. Good beer doesn't have to have snazzy labels, snappy names or only be found in Angkor Wat. I don't mind trying the weird or new, I'm willing to sip the duds and bad batches. Variety may be the spice of life, but knowing you've got a beer that's always going to taste good is golden.

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